Wednesday, November 14, 2012

My name is Chelsea -- in the online world you’ll generally see my handles as “chelseamaya.”  I’m a senior at Miami University, graduating May 11, 2013.

I’m an Individualized Studies major and an Interactive Media Studies Co-major.  My focus is in young adult literature and adolescent development, and my co-major’s focus is social media marketing.  My dream job would be to find a way to marry these two interests into one.

And for my personal interests:  I’m a reader, writer, and a blogger with a passion for young adult literature (hence, the major) and social media (hence, the co-major).

I have a passion for transmedia storytelling, as well as for new and unique ways to read books or experience stories.  As e-readers (i.e. Kindle, Nook, iPad, etc.) start to dominate the field, the way people can interact and take in a story are starting to take different forms.  It’s this evolution in storytelling that intrigues me.

Because of my interest in transmedia and its potential impact on the publishing industry, my senior projects focus on this subject.  I will be writing a novel, developing a transmedia storytelling experience for readers using multiple online platforms, and writing an essay that reflects on young adult literature and how my transmedia world fits into the evolving technological world of publishing and storytelling.